Last spring, Friedman Law Office was extremely blessed to be able to provide Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Lincoln, NE, with new Samsung tablets for patient communication. COVID-19 has made it increasingly difficult for families to visit their loved ones and we believe that healing is more effective when you can be “around” your family and friends. 

There have been hundreds of patients who have been able to benefit from these tablets, but one of the stories that stood out was that of Scott Chamberlin. Scott, age 49, is from Kansas City, Missouri, and he suffered a significant stroke back in late November. The Samsung tablets have allowed Scott to communicate with his wife and family in a way that he may have not been previously able to. The tablets helped Scott communicate with his wife because he has upper extremity weakness as well as severe vision deficits. This made it impossible for him to navigate a phone/cell phone, and he wasn’t in a place to learn strategies intended for the blind/visually impaired. Scott’s family has said the Samsung tablets were a lifesaver during these unprecedented times. 

Scott is one of the many inpatients who attends a monthly Stroke Peer Support Group. Thanks to these tablets, the inpatients were able to mix virtually with longstanding participants within the community!  One of the therapists Carol Olson said, “It went fantastic–they had a great plan to distribute the tablets to patients and get them logged into the zoom meeting.  The patients and leaders were so appreciative to have immediate access to these tablets to make it all happen. It was a great (and safe) turnout during the COVID-19 pandemic!”

In February of this year (2021), Madonna and Friedman Law Offices are working to expand the usage of Samsung tablets across all Lincoln campuses.