A Blog About the Law
In & Around Lincoln
Information on the New Car Seat Law in Nebraska
The Nebraska Legislature recently passed a new child passenger safety law, effective January 1, 2019. LB42 will require all children up to age 8 to ride correctly secured in a federally-approved child safety booster. Children must ride rear-facing until up to age two...
Stay Safe While Driving in Winter Weather
Winter presents drivers with unique hazards. The cold affects how our vehicles, and we, and our vehicles function on a daily basis. Your commute is longer, winter weather can affect road conditions for days on end, your car is left susceptible to a new list of...
Driving with Legal Medications
It is common knowledge these days that drinking and driving do not mix, despite over one million Americans still being arrested for driving while impaired in 2016. It’s known that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a life-risking decision. But...
Dealing with Injuries on Your Property (Part III)
In previous blogs, we have discussed what to do if someone is injured in your property and also who can be held liable for personal injuries on properties. We will now look at the other perspective on this issue, and address the legal possible legal statuses and...
Dealing with Injuries on Your Property (Part II)
Property Injury scenarios for landlords, businesses, renters and homeowners We discussed what to do if someone is injured on your property in a previous blog post. We will discuss the legal hoopla and what property injuries mean for the home-dweller side of personal...
What to Do at the Scene of an Accident
Accidents are unpredictable and can occur anytime, anywhere, so it’s a good idea to know what to do in the event an accident does occur. If you’re driving and are in an accident, there are a number of things to consider and do at the scene of the accident....