A Blog About the Law
In & Around Lincoln

Rights of a Motorcycle Driver

Rights of a Motorcycle Driver

Anyone who’s new to riding a motorcycle will have plenty of questions about their rights on the road. But even experienced motorcycle drivers may be surprised to learn some of the rights they have. Motorcycle drivers must be more careful than many other drivers...

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The Deadliest States for Motorcycle Accidents

The Deadliest States for Motorcycle Accidents

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast, you also know that it can be a dangerous hobby. You have heard all the safety pointers about wearing protective clothing and being a defensive driver. But you may also be wondering what the most dangerous places are to drive a...

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Distracted Driving Continues to Rise

Researchers at Ohio State University Risk Institute found that distracted driving crashes were more severe than other crashes. Specifically, they found that distracted driving-related crashes:  Can be 49 percent more severe on a highway system Are 5 to 10 times...

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How Do I Deal with Workers’ Comp?

How Do I Deal with Workers’ Comp?

Workplace injuries are a burden for both employees and employers. At the very least, it’s painful, you must file tons of paperwork, insurance is involved, there’s potential for loss of income, and you must manage all of this while rehabilitating.  Regardless of...

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