A Blog About the Law
In & Around Lincoln

How an Attorney Can Help with a Work Comp Case

How an Attorney Can Help with a Work Comp Case

Often times, employers and their insurance companies deny workers’ compensation claims, even the ones that are legitimate. After the insurance company denies a claim, the injured party is left to work through the maze of paperwork and appeals. This causes unnecessary...

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Why Should I Wear My Seatbelt?

Why Should I Wear My Seatbelt?

Although many new safety features have hit the market in the last decade, wearing a seatbelt still offers the most protection in a crash. In the initial stage of a car crash, you are in a vehicle that is moving. If the vehicle is in motion, so is your body. If a car...

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Has Drunk Driving Decreased Over the Last Decade?

We all know that drunk driving is no laughing matter. The evidence clearly shows that drunk drivers are more likely to cause property damage, car crashes, roadway injuries, vehicular fatalities and pedestrian deaths. Despite common misconceptions, even opting to drive...

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