A Blog About the Law
In & Around Lincoln

How Does An Initial Consultation Work?

How Does An Initial Consultation Work?

So, an injury has happened and now you have to see a lawyer. If you have never visited with a lawyer before, you might be nervous and/or completely clueless about what that entails. For a large majority of people, they have never done something like this before and...

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Let Friedman Drive

Let Friedman Drive

Let Friedman Drive When: December 15th - December 31st What Time: 9 pm - 2 am Who to Call: 402.474.SAFE (402.474.7233) The. U.S National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that drunk drivers play a role in 40 percent of traffic deaths over Christmas and...

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Who Has Duty of Care for Motorcycle Passengers?

Who Has Duty of Care for Motorcycle Passengers?

Wind gusting through your helmet (hopefully), sun shining in the sky, and the wide-open road ahead - that’s what riding on a motorcycle is all about!! As exciting as that can all sound, motorcycle passengers are even more exposed to the roadway and the dangers lurking...

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Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

No matter the extent of your injury, you should always contact a personal injury lawyer when you’re injured due to the negligence of another person. Some lawyers offer a free case review and they can help look over your case to see if a lawyer is necessary for your...

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Teen Driving “5 To Drive”

Teen Driving “5 To Drive”

This week is Teen Driver Safety Week. Every year in October, the National Safety Council and many other organizations across the United States, bring awareness to Teen Driving. Half of all teens will be involved in some sort of accident before they graduate high...

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Road Safety and Pedestrians

Road Safety and Pedestrians

Every day, more and more people are opting to walk/bike instead of drive, be it for health, economical, and/or ecological reasons. Road safety for those on foot or on a bicycle is just as important as for those driving, to keep everyone safe. Paying Attention When On...

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