A Blog About the Law
In & Around Lincoln

Avoiding Distractions Behind The Wheel

Avoiding Distractions Behind The Wheel

There is more to safe driving than just staying off of your phone. Every year, distracted driving injures thousands of people, some of which can be fatal. Distracted driving is 100% preventable and can save the lives of hundreds every year.  I’m sure you’ve seen...

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Accidents Happen: Are You Prepared? 

Accidents Happen: Are You Prepared? 

It can be easy to take our safety for granted. Getting from point A to point B in our vehicles is something we routinely do and oftentimes we don’t think twice about it. However, every time you’re traveling in a vehicle, there is a risk of getting into an accident and...

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How Social Media Could Impact Your Case

How Social Media Could Impact Your Case

Over the past 20 years, social media has taken the world by storm. Online users across social media platforms are at an all-time high, and most people spend two hours per day on social media. Social media is a great place to catch up with friends or connect with...

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Safe Driving Tips for Motorcycle Awareness Month

Safe Driving Tips for Motorcycle Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As the seasons change, more and more motorcycles will be touching the asphalt. Whether you drive a car, truck, or motorcycle, it is important to know how to keep the roads safe for everyone involved.  Unfortunately, 80% of all...

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What Do You Do if You’re Injured on Vacation

What Do You Do if You’re Injured on Vacation

Vacation is a time to get away and relax with your family or friends, but do you know what to do if you’re injured while abroad? If you’re hurt when shopping or doing an activity in your hometown, you probably know what to do and who to call. Depending on the extent...

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