So, an injury has happened and now you have to see a lawyer. If you have never visited with a lawyer before, you might be nervous and/or completely clueless about what that entails. For a large majority of people, they have never done something like this before and have little-to-no idea what is involved in pursuing a personal injury claim. When injuries happen, whether it has happened to you or not, it can be a troubling burden emotionally, physically, and financially. Law firms understand this situation you’re in and a large majority of them offer a free consultation. This takes the burden off of the pursuing party, and it gives the law firm a chance to see if they could appropriately represent you.

A free consultation is a no-obligation opportunity for people to have a peek inside what the process will involve and if the case is worth moving forward. Most lawyers will give you an idea of what you’re likely to spend and receive, should you win the case. This consultation also helps the attorney to gain more insight into the details around the accident and ask for further information should they need it.

In some situations, senior attorneys will meet with you during the free consultation and then pass it down to junior partners or associates whom you have never met. Before the consultation is over, unless they have clearly stated that they will be handling your case, you need to ask to meet the attorney that is going to be representing you. This helps you to not become blindsided when you come back to your next meeting and it is someone you haven’t met before.

What Should You Bring?

The whole purpose of an initial consultation is for the client and attorney to decide if pursuing a personal injury claim is the best plan. Before you arrive, make sure you have brought all the available evidence you can find. The more information present at the consultation, the easier it will be for the attorney and law firm to decide on your case.

Some items that could be of help to the attorney include:

  • Copies of police reports or accident reports
  • Your medical records showing how bad the injuries were
  • Pictures or videos of the incident
  • Previous communication from the defendant or their lawyer
  • List of dates, such as your date of injury, date of surgeries if performed, and any other medical treatment

Be Prepared For Questions

Although you may have been through a traumatizing experience, the lawyer is going to ask you some questions. Some which may be difficult to answer. Your lawyer isn’t asking these to make you relive some horrible experience – it helps them build out your case. Your lawyer is asking you these questions because they are evaluating your case to make sure it’s a good fit, just as you are evaluating their competence and suitability to handle your case.

If you know the type of questions they may ask, it will help you to be prepared and respond accurately. Every meeting is different depending on the case, but here are some common questions you might encounter:

  • What specific injuries are you dealing with, and how are you feeling now? How much pain are you experiencing?
  • Have you seen a doctor, and what is was the prognosis? (If you haven’t seen a doctor, they will strongly advise that you do in order to get documentation of your injuries.)
  • Have you talked to any other lawyers or insurance representatives about your accident, and what details did you give them?
  • What type of auto and medical insurance coverage do you have?
  • Have you given a recorded statement about your accident or injury to your insurance company?
  • Where are you employed? For how long? What do you do there?

Your lawyer may ask you to sign necessary authorizations so they can get started requesting records on your behalf if they decide the case fits their firm.

Make Sure You’re Picking The Right Attorney

Picking out the right attorney for your case can be a daunting process, but it shouldn’t have to be. You and your family have already been through enough trauma, so making you jump through hoops for the possibility that someone will take your case is not called for. At Friedman Law Offices, you need lawyers who are representing YOU. We make the process as easy and seamless as possible because we understand what you’re already going through. Along with free consultations, we take on all of our cases on a contingent basis. That means if we don’t win your case, you don’t pay anything. That takes even more stress off of your family, therefore giving you one less thing to worry about.

Give us a call and let’s get you started today.
